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Karen Matis

The "What Now?! Money Coach"


These days, I manage money as a pro- but it wasn’t always like that! I’ve experienced first-hand the struggle of becoming competent with personal finances.  Although in my professional career I was a Senior VP managing large departmental budgets, in our personal family finances I chose to be disconnected, I was lax about managing our money, and I felt inadequate to partner with my husband in financial decision-making- he was a whiz with money, so I simply relied on him.


Together, my husband and I decided things had to change. I engaged in our family’s financial world, studied and learned wise financial principles, and together we decided where our money should be going. We budgeted, erased debt, invested wisely, and we became great partners at managing our money! Stress decreased and money arguments ended. And best of all we were moving together toward the dream future we envisioned.


Life throws curve balls, and like you, I've experienced a few! I'm known as "The What Now?! Money Coach", because I walk with my clients through the many events of life where we are left shaking our heads and trying to figure out "what now?"... that pink slip and lost job, those outrageous student loans that are coming due, that car accident, divorce, death of a loved one, or diagnosis we weren't expecting.  Or, that bonus check, new promotion, invitation to go on vacation, or lottery surprise winnings!  I help my clients prepare financially for life's surprises and deal with life's curveballs.  


I coach with the passion and conviction that comes from personal experience.  I love to coach women who want to become competent managing their finances, and couples who want to be successful partners managing their family finances together.


Coaching clients who are "Preparing for the Empty Chair" has become a passion and a ministry- it is my privilege to walk with clients who are experiencing unexpected or untimely loss of relationships through divorce or the passing of loved ones.

Getting our financial lives in order is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves and our loved ones.

Together we can Dream, Plan, Save and Thrive!  

~ Karen

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